Results of Bringing Rapid Amplicon based Sequencing to Doylestown Hospital

Wednesday, July 31
Time:11:00 - 11:20 a.m.
Location: Exhibit Hall Theater #2
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific


Recent years have seen advances in automation that have brought Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) out of specialized reference laboratories and into local pathology departments. This innovation has allowed biomarker assessment to take place “in-house”, facilitating shorter turnaround times and more efficient use of laboratory resources. During this workshop, hear how one lab with no previous NGS experience was able to adopt a rapid, amplicon based NGS profiling assay via an automated semi-conductor sequencing system. You will hear about how utilizing automated amplicon-based sequencing in-house has resulted in reduced TAT and cost savings for Doylestown Hospital.


Jeffrey Smith
Thermo Fisher

Allison Eck
Director of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Doylestown Hospital