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July 28 - August 1 · Chicago, IL

Guidelines: abstract submissions

Guidelines Home | Abstract Submissions | Posters

Content Requirements

Poster abstracts must meet approved standards for scientific validity, quality, and consistency.

Relevant technical information cannot be withheld on the grounds that such information is proprietary. Statements such as “results will be discussed” are unacceptable.

Each poster abstract must include and clearly state:

  • The research/study objective.
  • Sufficient information to demonstrate relevance to clinical laboratory medicine.
  • Sufficient description of methodology.
  • Validation with sufficient data or other objective evidence to support conclusions. Study validation must be a part of all abstracts. See below for additional details. This information may vary depending on the type of study and objectives.
  • A statement of results and conclusions.

The abstract must include the following 4 sections:

  • Background
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusions

Roles and Responsibilities

New for 2024: All poster abstracts must be submitted by the presenting author, who will be listed first in the author block.
It is no longer possible to submit an abstract on behalf of another presenter.

Submitter-First/Presenting Author

  • Can view and edit the submission in the ADLM Poster Portal up to the deadline and will receive emailed confirmation of the submission when it first completed.
  • Must ensure that all co-authors are aware of this submission and willing to be listed on the publication if accepted.
  • Will receive the decision notification.

If accepted, they are responsible for:

  • All subsequent communications regarding the poster
  • Responding the to invitation to present their poster at the meeting.
  • Uploading the electronic version of their poster.
  • Registering with an All Access or appropriate Daily registration in order to present their poster at the Annual Meeting
    • Expo Only and Exhibitor badges are not acceptable registration types for poster presentation.
    • Presenting a physical poster in person, at the ADLM Annual Meeting.
    • Any posters not presented in person at the ADLM Annual Meeting will be removed from the conference proceedings and not included in the Clinical Chemistry Journal supplemental issue.


    Each poster abstract can have up to 24 co-authors. They do not receive automatic notification of the submission or any other communications. It is the responsibility of the submitter/presenting author to confirm that all authors are aware of the submission and are willing to be included in any ADLM platforms and publications, if accepted. Co-authors do not need to register for or attend the Annual Meeting, but they are welcome to do so regardless.

    Abstract Details

    ADLM strongly recommends reading the detailed information below on the steps involved in a poster abstract submission before beginning the submission process. Progress can be saved and resumed at any time, but your submission must be completed by the deadline listed above.


    You are required provide affirmation of your awareness of and agreement to ADLM guidelines and requirements.

    Abstract Title

    Provide a title of 200 characters or fewer in title case format using the APA style guide. Do not use ALL CAPS.

    A title should catch a viewer’s attention and clearly represent the topic of your poster.


    Select a primary (required) and secondary (optional) topic that best represents your abstract. Each submission must be linked to at least one of the following topics. These topics are used during the review to ensure matching expertise from reviewers and help determine when your poster will be presented during the meeting. Please note that your abstract may be recategorized to a different topic if reviewers determine the content is a better fit. Acceptance notices will include the final topic assignment.

    • Animal Clinical Chemistry
    • Automation and Analytical Techniques
    • Cardiac Markers
    • Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology
    • Data Analytics, Informatics, and Statistics
    • Endocrinology and Metabolism
    • General Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
    • Hematology and Coagulation
    • Laboratory Management and Patient Safety
    • Lipids, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
    • Mass Spectrometry and Separation Sciences
    • Microbiology and Infectious Disease
    • Molecular Diagnostics and Genetics
    • Pediatric and Maternal Fetal Medicine
    • Point-of-Care Testing
    • Proteomics and Protein Markers
    • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology
    • Tumor Markers and Cancer Diagnostics


    Provide the contact information for all the authors. The submitter/presenting author is listed first. The order of the co-authors can be changed after they are added.


    Abstracts can have a maximum length of 500 words. If you include a table or figure, the maximum length is 300 words. DO NOT include the title or author information in the abstract body. Each abstract must contain the following sections:

    • Background
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions

    Tables/Figures (optional): You may upload one (1) graphic/image of a table or figure as part of your abstract. Once created, the graphics can be relocated within the abstract, if needed.

    Guidelines for uploaded tables/figures:

    • Including a table or figure reduces the maximum length of the abstract to 300 words.
    • Tables and figures cannot may not include any identifying information about authors or institutions.
    • A table may contain no more than 10 columns and 15 rows.
    • Each graphic/image file may contain only a single table or figure — uploading a graphic/image with multiple tables or figures may result in your abstract being rejected.
    • Acceptable file types are BMP, GIF, JPG, and PNG.

    Related Divisions

    Select up to three ADLM Divisions that you feel are most related to your abstract submission. These selections will determine eligibility for various Division awards and may be used in determining programming for the meeting.


    Submitters can opt-in to be considered for the following awards:

    • Division Awards
    • Student Research Awards
    • North American Chinese Clinical Chemists Association (NACCCA) Travel Grant Award

    Learn more about awards and recognition programs

    Student Letter (optional)

    If applying to the Student Research Awards, you will be required to upload a brief letter from your faculty advisor on letterhead that affirms your student status.

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