Persuade your boss

Are you interested in attending ADLM 2024 (formerly AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Clinical Lab Expo), but uncertain how to persuade your employer to fund your registration? Follow these five simple steps to prepare a request for your boss.

Step 1: Identify Your At-Work Challenges

Pinpoint the biggest challenges your lab or organization faces, especially the ones that relate directly to your position.

Step 2: Draw Up a Sample Conference Agenda

With those challenges in mind, search through the ADLM 2024's 250+ educational sessions to identify the ones that address the issues you’re facing.

Also be sure to look through ADLM 2024's 900+ exhibiting companies and identify the vendors that offer the diagnostic solutions your lab needs.

Step 3: Create a Proposal for Your Boss

Use your research in Step 2 to create a succinct proposal for your boss that explains why sending you to ADLM 2024 will benefit your organization and the patients you serve. Include your top challenges, and outline how the sessions and exhibitors you’ve identified will equip you to handle them.

Additional reasons to justify your attendance include:

  • Professional development opportunities such as the ADLM 2024 Annual Meeting are essential for keeping up with the latest trends, research, and best practices in the rapidly evolving field of clinical laboratory medicine. In turn, staying current ensures that you and your lab continue to deliver state-of-the-art patient care.
  • By learning about the real-world success stories of others in the profession, your lab will be able to avoid using a trial-and-error approach to tackling issues and will save time and money in the long run.
  • The ADLM 2024 Clinical Lab Expo will bring the world’s major in vitro diagnostic companies together in one virtual exhibit hall, enabling you to explore and compare all the clinical lab products and services on your lab’s wish list efficiently and to get quick answers to questions from booth staff.

Step 4: Send a Formal Request to Your Boss

In case your boss needs or prefers your request in writing, we’ve drafted an approval request template letter. Feel free to use and edit this letter as needed and send it to your supervisor:

Download the Letter

Step 5: Put What You Learn Into Action

After ADLM 2024, hold a post-conference briefing with relevant lab staff to share what you learned—from best practices to the low-down on new diagnostic instruments—and develop a strategy for putting this knowledge into action.

You’ll positively impact your lab and the patients it serves, which will pave the way to convince your boss to send you back to the ADLM Annual Meeting in 2025.

You can Still Save on ADLM 2024

Take advantage of advanced rates by July 26 to save BIG. Members save even more! Learn more and register today!

Explore the conference program

ADLM 2024 offers something for everyone in laboratory medicine, from Plenaries featuring world-renowned scientists to intimate Roundtables.