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July 28 - August 1 · Chicago, IL

Guidelines: poster preparation & presentation

Guidelines Home | Abstract Submissions | Posters


Poster Preparation

The following guidelines are for both physical, in-person posters and ePosters. You should upload the same poster to the ePoster system that you display as a physical poster in Chicago.

Poster & Text Size

  • Posters can have a maximum size of 46 inches x 46 inches (117 cm x 117 cm). Please note that if your poster exceeds these size limits, it may be cut, folded, or otherwise modified to fit the allotted display room.
  • All type should be a minimum of 24 pt. font (approximately 0.3 inches or 0.8 cm height) and readable from a distance of 5-7 feet (1.5-1.7 meters).
  • Headings for abstract title and numbering for subsections should be a minimum of 72 pt. font (approximately 1 inch or 2.5 cm height).
  • Subheadings should be a minimum of 36 pt. font (approximately 0.5 inches or 1 cm height).

Title and Authors

Your title must contain the following information:

  • Poster number — this will begin with "A-" or "B-", followed by a 3-digit number.
  • Title as submitted on your abstract.
  • Presenting author and all co-authors.
  • Affiliation(s).


Your poster presentation should contain a clear description of the following:

  • Background of your study (why you did this work).
  • Method(s) used to achieve a solution.
  • Results obtained (figures, tables, etc.).
  • Conclusions and importance of your work to diagnostics and laboratory medicine.

Please note that you must provide additional information from what was submitted in your abstract. It is not acceptable to present a poster that is identical to your abstract.


  • The information you display should have a professional appearance.
  • Logos and trademarks may be included on your poster but should not be so prominent that they interfere with the learners’ understanding and should not obscure or detract from the educational content. They may also not be used in a promotional manner. 

ePoster Details

All poster presenters must upload an electronic version of their poster (ePoster) for display on the ePoster platform.

They may also upload an optional short audio narration. This narration can be a maximum of 5 minutes. It is highly encouraged, as it provides some substitute to the in-person interaction for people viewing your poster online.

File Formats

The following are the accepted file formats for your ePoster and audio narration. Any other file format will be rejected by the ePoster upload site.

  • ePoster: PDF
  • Audio narration: M4A or MP3

Uploading Your Files

The ePoster upload site will open the week of May 6, 2024. You will receive a notification when it is available.

Upload Deadline: Thursday, July 18, 2024.

Important Reminders

  • Double check that your audio narration is no more than 5 minutes long. The system will not verify the length of your narration and your file may be rejected during later review if it exceeds 5 minutes.
  • If you have more than one poster, be sure you are uploading the correct ePoster and audio narration files for each.

Poster Presentation

All times below are listed in the time zone for the annual meeting (U.S. Central) unless otherwise specified.

All posters must be presented in person at ADLM 2024, held at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Il. Requirements, schedule, and other details for presentation are found below.

Posters will also be available to attendees online via the ePoster platform. There is no scheduled presentation time for the ePoster platform.


The first/presenting author is required to register as a conference attendee for ADLM 2024, paying the appropriate registration fee. Staff from exhibiting companies must also register and pay the conference registration fee.

  • Accepted registration types for poster presentation are All Access or appropriate Daily registration for your assigned presentation day.
  • Expo Only or Exhibitor badges are not eligible registration types to present a poster. If you are registered with one of those types, you must also pay for the All Access or Daily registration fee to present your poster.

More information about registration types


If you must withdraw a poster abstract, please notify ADLM via email as soon as possible, citing the abstract number, poster number (if available), title, presenting author, and scheduled presentation day. If your abstract must be withdrawn during the meeting, notify ADLM staff at the poster desk located in the poster hall. Failure to present an accepted poster without prior notification may jeopardize your ability to present at future meetings.


The poster hall is located on the Expo Show floor, in the McCormick Place Convention Center, in Chicago, Il.

Poster Sessions

Posters are displayed for one day during the meeting. This day is communicated to presenters in the acceptance notification.

Session & Topics


Session A:

  • Cardiac Markers
  • Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • General Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
  • Hematology and Coagulation
  • Laboratory Management and Patient Safety
  • Lipids, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Risk Factors
  • Microbiology and Infectious Disease
  • Pediatric and Maternal Fetal Medicine
  • Point-of-Care Testing

Tuesday, July 30

Session B:

  • Animal Clinical Chemistry
  • Automation and Analytical Techniques
  • Clinical and Diagnostic Immunology
  • Data Analytics, Informatics, and Statistics
  • Mass Spectrometry and Separation Sciences
  • Molecular Diagnostics and Genetics
  • Proteomics and Protein Markers
  • Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology
  • Tumor Markers and Cancer Diagnostics

Wednesday, July 31

Presentation Schedule


7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.


9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.


1:30 – 2:30 p.m.


After 5 p.m.

Presentation Details

  • A card with your poster number will be affixed in the upper corner of your board to help you locate your designated space.
  • Pushpins will be available to attach your poster to your designated poster board.
  • Instruments, components, and reagents are NOT permitted in the poster area.
  • You may bring handouts containing pertinent information from your abstract.

Set Up

  • You are required to set up your poster during the 2-hour window that precedes the start of your assigned session at 9:30 a.m.
  • You will not be allowed to set up without the appropriate conference badge.
  • There will be signage onsite to direct you to the proper entrance to access the poster hall during this time.


  • Your poster is to remain on view for the entire day (9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.).


  • You must be at your poster from 1:30 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. on your assigned day to discuss your results with attendees. No formal presentation is required.
  • If you are presenting multiple posters, you may split your time between them. They will be placed next to each other whenever possible.
  • You are free to view other posters in the session outside this 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. poster presentation period.


  • Your poster must be removed promptly at 5 p.m. on the day of your presentation. ADLM is not responsible for posters left on boards after the Expo Hall is closed.
  • Unclaimed posters will be kept in the poster reclaim bin near the poster check in desk until Thursday, August 1 at 1 p.m. After that time, they will be discarded.

Presentation at Other ADLM Annual Meeting Activities

If your poster has been accepted for presentation during the Student Research Award Poster Competition, Academy Oral Abstract session, or at an ADLM Division event, you must still display and present your poster on the day and time it is assigned for the main conference.

Online Access

  • All accepted abstracts will be available to the public via the Poster Planner website in early June. They will also be accessible in the ADLM Mobile App.
  • ePosters will be available to attendees on the ePoster platform from Tuesday, July 30 through the end of August.

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Explore the conference program

ADLM 2024 offers something for everyone in laboratory medicine, from Plenaries featuring world-renowned scientists to intimate Roundtables.
