It’s Not Me, It’s MU! Measurement Uncertainty in the US and Around the World:  The First Public Look at a Global Survey of More Than 1,000 Laboratories

Tuesday, July 30
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Exhibit Hall #1
Sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific


Measurement uncertainty (mu) is a mandate calculation by ISO15189:2022, the global standard for laboratory quality. Yet mu is mentioned nowhere in CLIA regulations. The rest of the world must calculate the mu, while the US stands virtually alone in ignoring this statistic.  Why are we so different? In this workshop, Sten Westgard, MS, will review the basic concepts of measurement uncertainty and compare them to the CLIA approach. Using the results of a worldwide survey more than 1,200 labs, he will detail how mu is used, abused, or unused across the globe.


Thomas Anjubault
Global Product Manager, Thermo Fisher Scientific


Sten Westgard, MS
Director of Client Services and Technology, Westgard QC

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