Cardiac Troponin I POC Testing in the Emergency Department: What Evidence, What Applications, What Algorithms, What Timing and What Technology? 

Wednesday, July 31
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Exhibit Hall Theater #1
Sponsored by Polymedco


Accelerated Diagnostic Protocols are becoming a standard of care for managing suspected acute coronary syndrome and myocardial infarction patients in emergency medicine worldwide. Guidelines promulgated by professional societies have championed algorithms that focus on temporal troponin changes, or deltas, utilizing highly sensitive assays. This innovation allows for safe and effective rule out and risk assessment of patients with suspected acute coronary syndromes and myocardial infarction. “One and done” at presentation and subsequent cardiac troponin deltas at 1-hour, 2-hour, and 3-hour are typically used. Cardiac troponin has improved patient and caregiver satisfaction, saved resources, and added value to laboratory medicine services.


Todd Kelley, MD
VP of Medical Affairs, Polymedco

Romeo Goia, MBA
Director of Marketing, Polymedco


Robert H. Christenson, PhD, DABCC, FADLM, FACC
University of Maryland School of Medicine

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