Solving Problems and Resolving Challenges in Point-of-Care Testing (Full Day)

Sunday, July 28, 2024
9:00 AM – 4:30 PM US Central Time
McCormick Place Chicago


This hands-on course focuses on identifying problems and challenges faced in point-of-care testing (POCT). This includes the key components of setting up a training program, administering regulatory-focused competency assessment, vendor, and program integration of quality management systems, and maintaining regulatory compliance in the face of changes. In this course, we will discuss how to carry out daily operational management to ensure high quality results and start-to-finish project management of implementing point-of-care connectivity for vendors and point-of-care managers. The faculty will also highlight how to use data analytics to help address problems related to preanalytical, analytical and post-analytical errors. Seasoned veterans and novices alike will appreciate the discussion and problem-solving elements. Presentations and break-out sessions include interactive participation polls, table exercises, and peer-to-peer discussion.

Target Audience

This activity is designed for physicians, advanced practice professionals (NPs, PAs, RNs, etc.), lab supervisors, lab directors (and/or assistant directors), lab managers (supervisory and/or non-supervisory), medical technologists, point-of-care coordinators, in-training individuals, and other laboratory professionals overseeing/conducting within this topic.

Prerequisite Knowledge 

Experience as a point-of-care coordinator or experience in point-of-care testing is helpful, but not required. Breakout sessions will be customizable for those in attendance with prior point-of-care testing knowledge.

What to Bring

Participants are encouraged to bring business cards to share with those they want to stay in contact with or who can act as a resource after leaving this university course.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify possible solutions to enable point-of-care testing sites to achieve 100% point-of-care operator competency.
  • Discuss ways to integrate quality management for vendors and point-of-care programs and use data/analytics, quality indicators, and other resources to reduce preanalytical, analytical, and postanalytical errors.
  • Discuss point-of-care connectivity implementation utilizing project management tools, review connectivity troubleshooting strategies, and identify operational management strategies of an effective point-of-care testing program.


Jeanne Mumford, BS, MLS (ASCP) | Johns Hopkins Hospital

Peggy Mann, MS, MT (ASCP), CPP | University of Texas Medical Branch

Kimberly Skala, BA, MT (ASCP) | Werfen

Kerstin Halverson, MS | Werfen

Course Outline

  1. Point-of-Care Competency Is Mission Possible: Learn, Apply, Document! (60 mins.)
    This presentation is composed of an interactive lecture using problem-based polling, case reviews including questions posed though current POC Listservs, and covers potential solutions to enable application of accreditation standards and regulatory requirements in competency assessment.

  2. It’s 2024: Using Partnerships to Integrate Quality and Compliance Into Point-of-Care Testing (60 mins.)
    This session will incorporate case studies, lecture, regulatory updates, and real-world examples related to the use of data and quality indicators to integrate quality management for vendors and point-of-care programs.

  3. Morning Breakout (60 mins.)
    This breakout will incorporate the information learned in the first two sessions of the day. It will involve interactive skill building via table top exercises and group discussion pertaining to quality indicators and competency assessment. It will discuss the important elements of a manufacturer’s package and instructions for use.

  4. Staying Connected in an Increasingly Remote World: Tips and Tricks to Help Keep Your Point-of-Care Program Interfaced (60 mins.)
    This session will discuss point-of-care connectivity implementation and review connectivity troubleshooting strategies utilizing lectures, project management tools, hands-on learning activities and interactive dialogue.

  5. Operational Management Strategies in Point-of-Care Testing: New Test Requests to Quality Indicators (60 mins.)
    This session will cover management strategies starting from the request of a new point-of-care test all the way through to improving testing by creating quality indicators. Examples presented will be from a health system perspective that includes inpatient, outpatient, and ambulatory care. It will involve incorporating laboratory standards to create a quality management plan for point-of-care testing and will engage the audience with questions and polling.

  6. Afternoon Breakout and Q&A Session (60 mins.)
    This breakout will incorporate the information learned throughout the day and will include a small group discussion. The session will conclude with  panel discussion for the question and answer period. 

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